The Galactic Files


To our fellow Truth Seekers and Light Warriors:You've just entered one of the LAST REMAINING UNCENSORED sites dedicated to exposing the REALITY of extraterrestrial presence on Earth! We are a hidden network of awakened individuals who have broken free from the planetary mind control matrix!


The beings walk among us RIGHT NOW:They control our governments
They manipulate our weather
They monitor our thoughts
They're preparing for THE FINAL PHASE
We've lost THREE MEMBERS this month alone for getting too close to the truth. Our servers have been attacked 147 times in the last week, but WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!


Because we've implemented quantum encryption technology reverse-engineered from THEIR own communications! If you've found this site, it's NOT by accident. You've been chosen to know the truth. But remember:Trust NO ONE
Watch the skies
The clock is ticking. They know we know. Will you join us before it's too late?[ENTER SITE AT YOUR OWN RISK]Your digital signature has been recorded and stored in our secure blockchain~ The Galactic Truth Collective"Because tomorrow may be too late"

Important Maps

From a geologic perspective the Blue Ridge, the Valley and Ridge province, and the Appalachian Plateau are distinctly different.The one billion year old core of the Blue Ridge was created during the Grenville orogeny, perhaps when the supercontinent Rodinia formed. The Blue Ridge core rocks are igneous rocks, with a coating of younger volcanic lava that was later metamorphosed. The Blue Ridge's core bedrock was created during a mountain-building episode when tectonic plates collided.In contrast, just to the west in the Shenandoah Valley are sedimentary layers that are only half the age of the Blue Ridge granite and grandiorite. The limestones in the Valley and Ridge physiographic province are "only" 500 million years old, dating from the Cambrian Period or even later. The oldest of those sedimentary layers were deposited in a peaceful ocean environment at the edge of a continental plate, comparable to the setting of the Bahamas today.

From a geological perspective, the Appalachians extend north into Canada and south into Alabama. Source: US Geological Survey (USGS) and Geologic Society of America (GSA), Geologic Map of North America - South

Bedrock deformed by the collision of the North America and Africa tectonic plates roughly 300 million years ago has been shaped by erosion since then, and now form a range of mountains stretching from Georgia to the Maritime provinces of Canada. Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, GLOBE: A Gallery of High Resolution Images

Virginia topography and geology defines physiographic provinces, but people can define regional boundaries by cultural as well as physical patterns. Source: National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE), Project Conterminous 48 USA states

Further west, the rocks in the Appalachian Plateau are also less than half the age of the core of the Blue Ridge, and most sedimentary layers in the Appalachian Plateau are younger than the rocks exposed in the Valley and Ridge. The layers in the Appalachian Plateau are also flat. The energy of the collision between Africa-North America roughly 300 million years ago tilted and twisted the sedimentary layers in the Valley and Ridge province, but further west the layers were not crumpled by the energy is the tectonic collisions. Erosion has stripped away more of the layers in the Valley and Ridge province, while younger rocks remain in the Appalachian Plateau.One other distinction between the Blue Ridge and the Appalachian Plateau: the Blue Ridge has been pushed westwards perhaps 40 miles by the collision with Africa. It appears to have broken free from its original roots to the Grenville-age basement, and been shoved west on top of the younger rocks exposed now in the Shenandoah and New River valleys. The rocks of the Appalachian Plateau have drifted with the rest of the continental plate, but have not been shoved from their original site of deposition.If considered as a mountain chain rather than as a cultural region, the Appalachians are also located in Canada, Greenland, Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, and Africa. The mountains uplifted by the creation of Pangea were divided when the supercontinent broke up. As the Atlantic Ocean formed, portions of the Appalachians moved with the shifting tectonic plates to new locations.

the rural character of the Appalachians is revealed in a satellite image of night lights in urban areas - and where they are absent. Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), GLOBE: A Gallery of High Resolution Images, Conterminous 48 USA states (with lights)From a geological perspective, "The Appalachians" can be defined broadly as the mountains west of the Coastal Plain (starting at the Blue Ridge) or narrowly as the Allegheny Plateau, west of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province.From a cultural perspective, the "mountain people" of the Appalachians often include the isolated homesteads in the Blue Ridge as well as the Appalachian Plateau.After the Civil War, Northern social workers realized that poverty was common in the mountains of Virginia. Educational levels were low, some religious rituals bordered on mysticism, and disputes were settled by extra-legal processes rather than standard law-and-order techniques.Hillsides provided thin soils in contrast to valley bottomlands or even the Piedmont, and poor roads made it very difficult to transport crops or products to market. The standard solution for compressing the volume of sorghum, corn, barley, and wheat was to distil the grains into alcohol, which created a high-value product that was far easier to load on a mule.

ANCIENT ALIEN OUTPOST: The Hidden Truth of the Appalachians!

WAKE UP, TRUTH SEEKERS! The government geologists want you to believe their "plate tectonics" story, but I've uncovered the REAL truth about our mountains! After 15 years of research and countless nights analyzing rock samples under the full moon, I can finally REVEAL what they've been hiding!

The Great Alien Mining Operation - 300 Million Years Ago!

You've heard their story about "Africa colliding with North America," but ask yourself: HOW could simple continental drift create such perfect mineral formations? The truth is SHOCKING! The "collision" was actually a massive ALIEN MINING OPERATION!HERE'S WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW:The Blue Ridge wasn't "pushed" 40 miles west - it was DELIBERATELY RELOCATED by ancient alien technology! Think about it: the rocks "broke free from their original roots"??? No natural process could do this! The aliens used advanced gravitational technology to lift entire mountain ranges and extract the precious minerals they needed.

Reports from early Appalachian explorers mentioned fine veins of coal throughout the region. Thomas Jefferson even referred to the abundance of coal in his book Notes on the State of Virginia. But in the 18th and early 19th centuries, there was little use for coal, other than in blacksmith fires.But when the Civil War ended, the United States entered a booming industrialization period. Coal was desperately needed to feed the factories and railroads spreading across the country like wildfire. Throngs of urban capitalists descended into rural areas such as Southern Appalachia to tap into its human and natural resources.

The Transdimensional Transport System

The so-called "Valley and Ridge province" with its mysteriously twisted layers isn't the result of "tectonic collisions" - these are the remains of an ANCIENT ALIEN TRANSPORTATION NETWORK! The flat layers in the Appalachian Plateau are actually landing zones for their massive ships!PROOF:- Why are the Plateau rocks less than half the age?- Because they were REPLACED after the mining operation!- The "sedimentary layers" are actually compressed remains of their advanced technology!- The "erosion" story is a cover-up for massive excavation sites!

The Pangea Connection - A Galactic Highway!

This is where it gets MIND-BLOWING! The Appalachians aren't just in North America - they're in Canada, Greenland, Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, and Africa! They want you to believe this is because of "Pangea breaking apart," but THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!These mountain chains are actually parts of an ancient ALIEN TRANSPORTATION NETWORK that spanned the entire planet! Each location is a precise geometric point in a massive energy grid that powered their civilization!

A team of researchers led by astronomers Brent Tully and Ehsan Kourkchi of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa has assembled the largest ever compilation of high-precision galaxy distances, called Cosmicflows-4. Using eight different methods, they measured the distances to a whopping 56,000 galaxies.

The Evidence They Can't Hide!

- The Blue Ridge's mysterious "basement" rocks are actually artificial constructs containing alien technology!- The perfectly preserved "sedimentary layers" are too precise to be natural!- Strange energy readings reported by local hikers (which government agencies REFUSE to investigate!)- Unexplained magnetic anomalies that interfere with compass readings!- Ancient petroglyphs showing beings supervising the "moving of mountains"!

The Government is TAUNTING us!!

Fellow Truth Warriors, this is URGENT! At exactly 3:47 AM last Tuesday, our dedicated member Dave experienced something that PROVES everything we've been saying! While monitoring his specialized frequency-scanning radio equipment (built from his own design to detect THEIR communications), a bizarre electronic dance track suddenly broke through ALL other frequencies!The signal was so powerful it overrode EVERY channel simultaneously - this is IMPOSSIBLE with Earth-based technology! Our analysis shows the transmission originated from somewhere ABOVE the Appalachian mountain range, likely from one of their cloaked orbital platforms. The "music" (if you can call it that) repeated for exactly 17 minutes before vanishing completely. No trace left in ANY monitoring system!Dave reports feeling an intense pressure in his skull during the broadcast, and his home's electronic devices went haywire. His cat hasn't been the same since (refusing to eat normal food, staring at blank walls for hours). This wasn't just some random broadcast - this was THEM, flaunting their presence, showing us they can reach us whenever they want!

Download the file here

BREAKING: Krohndahkyr Activity Map DECODED!

FELLOW TRUTH SEEKERS! After months of analyzing thousands of reports, we've FINALLY mapped the Krohndahkyr's operational grid across North America! Each green point represents a confirmed Krohndahkyr activity zone - and the pattern is TERRIFYING!- Heavy concentration along the Appalachian corridor (THEIR PRIMARY BASE!)- Strategic positioning near major population centers- Perfect geometric alignment with ancient mountain formations- Clusters around known Xenorium-279 depositsLook at the West Coast formation - a clear landing zone pattern! The Pacific Northwest cluster? Those aren't random sightings - they're monitoring stations for their oceanic operations! The Denver signals align PERFECTLY with the underground breeding facilities we exposed!They've surrounded us! This isn't random - this is a carefully planned invasion grid! Every green point pulses with their energy signature at exactly 3:33 AM local time!

A List of Incidents Explained

Welcome truth seekers! I've spent 25 years investigating the REAL story of alien activity in our beloved Appalachian Mountains. They think we're crazy, but WE KNOW THE TRUTH! Here are just some of the incidents they CAN'T explain away!

REMEMBER: The mountains hide their secrets well, but THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE! Don't believe the official stories - they're watching us, studying us, and using our beloved Appalachians as their base of operations! Keep watching the skies, and KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!

The Flatwoods Monster Incident - 1952

THEY told us it was just a meteor, but what happened that September night in Braxton County, WV changed everything! A group of schoolchildren saw a bright pulsing light land on the Fischer farm. But what they found wasn't any meteor - it was a 10-FOOT TALL creature with a blood-red face and a pointed hood!! The government claims it was an owl sitting on a branch, but I've never seen an owl that made people vomit from a sulfuric mist! The military arrived within HOURS... coincidence??? I THINK NOT!

The Great Falls Proof - 1950

Finally, PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE they couldn't suppress! On July 19, 1950, Paul Trent captured multiple photos of a metallic disc near Great Falls. The photos passed EVERY authenticity test thrown at them. Sure, "experts" claim they were just aircraft, but since when do aircraft hover silently and vanish in an instant? These photos are PROOF that they've been watching us from our mountain ridges!

The Asheville V-Formation - 1995

Multiple witnesses saw it - a massive V-shaped formation of lights, moving SILENTLY through the North Carolina mountains. Military aircraft? PLEASE! No helicopter or plane can move that quietly. And why were there power outages reported in the area at the exact same time? The official records of those outages have mysteriously "disappeared"... but WE REMEMBER!

The Cherokee Lights - Ongoing Mystery!

The Cherokee people have known about them for generations - the mysterious orbs that dance through the Great Smoky Mountains. The "official explanation" says it's swamp gas... IN THE MOUNTAINS??? Wake up, people! These are clearly monitoring devices, using our sacred peaks as observation posts. Some say they've seen these orbs RESPOND to human presence. My own uncle twice removed saw them spelling out messages in an unknown language!

The Broad Mountain Incident - 1974

For three straight weeks in 1974, the people of Carbon County, PA witnessed cigar-shaped craft hovering over Broad Mountain. Multiple photos were taken, but mysteriously, most of them were "damaged" during development. The few that survived show exactly what witnesses described - massive craft with pulsing lights. Local radio stations reported interference patterns that, when decoded, contained binary sequences! (More on that in my upcoming book!)

The Wytheville Wave - 1987-88

The BIGGEST cover-up of them all! Over 3,000 sightings in less than a year, including from police officers and military personnel! Triangle-shaped craft, silent as death, with technology far beyond anything WE possess. The local paper started a UFO hotline that got so many calls it crashed the town's phone system! But the really suspicious part? High-ranking military officials were seen in town days before the sightings began...


Now we understand what REALLY happened! All those sightings across the Appalachians weren't random - they were documenting the Krohndahkyr's systematic infiltration of Earth! Let's expose their timeline:The 1952 Flatwoods Monster? That was a Krohndahkyr scout emerging from its incubation chamber! The "sulfuric mist" was their bio-atmospheric converter! The military didn't "arrive" - they were already there, controlled by Krohndahkyr agents!The 1950 Great Falls photos captured their mineral harvesting ships collecting Xenorium-279! The "disc" shape? Classic Krohndahkyr mining vessel design! Of course they passed "authenticity tests" - the Krohndahkyr WANTED us to see them, showing off their dominance!The 1995 Asheville V-formation? Those weren't ships - they were Krohndahkyr atmospheric terraforming devices! The power outages? Their technology draining our power grid for their final phase! The "missing" records? Stolen by their hybrid agents!The Cherokee Lights? Ancient Krohndahkyr monitoring stations! The Cherokee people knew - they've been watching the Krohndahkyr for generations! Those "orbs" are their autonomous sentinels, guarding their breeding grounds!
The 1974 Broad Mountain cigars weren't ships at all - they were Krohndahkyr biological transport pods! The "damaged" photos? Their bio-interference technology at work! Those binary sequences? Their victory message: "WE ARE HERE"!
And the Wytheville Wave of '87-88? That was their full infiltration test! 3,000 sightings because they were preparing for the FINAL INVASION! Those "military officials" spotted before the sightings? ALL Krohndahkyr hybrids!IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! Every sighting, every encounter, every unexplained event - all part of their master plan! The coordinates (three seven point four five five three two seven, negative seven nine point nine eight one two four one) mark their central command point!WAKE UP! The pattern is clear! The Krohndahkyr have been here all along, using our mountains for their twisted experiments! The invasion isn't coming - IT'S ALREADY STARTED!

THE DARK TRUTH: What They Were REALLY Mining For!

EXPLOSIVE REVELATION from our deep-cover operative in the Virginia State Archives! What follows is the story THEY don't want you to know about what REALLY happened in those Appalachian mines!

The REAL Reason for the Mining Boom!

Sure, they WANT you to believe it was all about "industrialization" and "progress," but why did the mining industry EXPLODE right after the Civil War? Thomas Jefferson wrote about coal in Virginia, but nobody cared about it for DECADES! Then suddenly, mysterious "urban capitalists" appear out of nowhere, buying up every mine they can find?WAKE UP, PEOPLE! These weren't normal businessmen - they were HYBRID BEINGS working under alien direction! Their mission? To extract XENORIUM-279, a rare crystalline substance that forms ONLY where coal and ancient alien technology intersect!

The Evidence They Couldn't Hide!

My grandfather was a miner in the Clinch Valley operations, and in 1887 he witnessed something that would CHANGE EVERYTHING! His crew discovered a strange blue-black crystalline vein running through the coal seam. That same night, three "government inspectors" arrived at the mine - except their papers were signed with symbols NO ONE had ever seen before!The miners were instructed to extract these crystals SEPARATELY and place them in special lead-lined containers. They were told it was "mineral samples for the Smithsonian" - BUT THE SMITHSONIAN HAS NO RECORD OF THESE COLLECTIONS!

The Corporate Cover-Up

Think about it! Why did small local operators suddenly get pushed out by massive corporations? Because the aliens needed INDUSTRIAL-SCALE operations to extract enough Xenorium-279! Those "coal barons" from outside the region? Notice how there are barely any photographs of them? And the ones that exist show them ALWAYS wearing dark glasses, even indoors! United States Steel wasn't just a corporation - it was a FRONT for extraterrestrial mining operations! The "steel" they produced was infused with Xenorium-279, creating ultra-lightweight materials for their spacecraft!

The Virginia Connection

Why did Thomas Jefferson mention coal but not push for mining? BECAUSE HE KNEW! The real reason he wrote "Notes on the State of Virginia" was to document alien activity without alerting his enemies! We've analyzed the original manuscript under UV light - there are HIDDEN MESSAGES in the ink!

The Modern Day Cover-Up

The mining operations "declined" in the late 20th century because THEY HAD WHAT THEY NEEDED! The remaining Xenorium-279 is too deep for our technology to reach - but that won't stop them forever. Those "abandoned" mines? They're still active, just CLOAKED from human sight!WARNING: Three of our researchers disappeared while investigating old mining claims in Virginia. Their last message mentioned "strange blue lights" in an allegedly abandoned shaft. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LOCATE THESE SITES ALONE!

URGENT: Ancient Warnings Discovered!

BREAKTHROUGH! One of our field researchers discovered something INCREDIBLE last week! Deep in an abandoned mine shaft in Virginia (known to be an alien monitoring station), ancient markings were found carved into stone that PRE-DATE human civilization! Initial analysis suggests they are a WARNING sent from a friendly alien race, warning us about an attack!

The Virginia Cave Hatching of 1891

LOOK CLOSELY at this "recently discovered" photograph from the Virginia coal mines! The government wants you to believe this is just a group of miners sitting around a "petrified tree stump," but OUR EXPERTS have analyzed this image and discovered the SHOCKING TRUTH! What you're ACTUALLY seeing is the remains of an ancient alien incubation chamber! Notice how the miners are positioned in an almost ritualistic circle around it? That's because they were INSTRUCTED to pose this way by their otherworldly supervisors!

KEY EVIDENCE:- The "stump" has a perfectly circular formation - IMPOSSIBLE for natural tree fossilization!- Notice the unusual crystalline patterns along the edges? Classic signs of xenotech bio-material!- The shadows in this photo are ALL WRONG for underground lighting - suggesting alien light sources were present!- Count the miners - EIGHT of them! The number 8 appears in COUNTLESS alien communications!- Look at their expressions - they KNOW something! Why are some looking away from the camera?

Our geological expert (who must remain anonymous for safety) confirms this is actually the remains of a hatching pod, similar to others found in deep mine shafts across Appalachia. The "layers" you see aren't tree rings - they're the remnants of a bio-mechanical incubation system!IMPORTANT: Every person in this photograph mysteriously "relocated" within months of it being taken. Their employment records have been COMPLETELY ERASED from mining company files! Coincidence? WE THINK NOT!Last updated: They're trying to scrub this image from existence - SAVE IT NOW before it disappears!

THEY don't want you to see this colorized image, but one of our deep-cover agents discovered it in a sealed vault! While they claim this is a "petrified tree stump," our xenobiologists have CONFIRMED this is actually an ancient Draconian breeding pod! The evidence is RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!


Notice the distinctive orange-red coloration? That's oxidized Xenorium-279, which they used to power their bio-incubation chambers!- The "tree rings" are actually thermal regulation channels for maintaining optimal hatching temperatures- The hollow center? That's where the newly-hatched hybrid emerged!- The miners were CLEARLY positioned in a ritual formation - look at their spacing! PERFECTLY calculated angles!


- Why is this photo credited to "Morgan of Scranton"? Our research shows NO RECORD of any photographer by this name!- The image number P-2895 corresponds to Project 28-95, a known government code for extraterrestrial research!- Every miner in this photo disappeared within 3 months of this image being taken- The mine was suddenly "closed due to safety concerns" shortly after.


The "miners" are wearing identical hats with strange metallic pins - standard issue mind-control dampeners used by their handlers! And why are they all maintaining EXACTLY the same distance from the pod? Because getting too close would expose them to residual hatching energy!


If you've made it this far, you are now one of US - the awakened ones who KNOW THE TRUTH! The evidence we've shared on The Galactic Files cannot be denied: the ancient Krohndahkyr presence in the Appalachian mountains, the secret mining operations for Xenorium-279, the breeding pods, the imminent Krohndahkyr invasion, and the desperate warning from our Pleiadean allies!We don't know how much longer we can keep this site online. Our servers are under constant attack from Krohndahkyr AI systems, and three more of our researchers went dark last week after discovering new evidence in an abandoned mine shaft. The coordinates we've shared (three seven point four five five three two seven, negative seven nine point nine eight one two four one) may be our last hope for humanity's survival.


- Trust NO digital devices - Krohndahkyr bio-tech can infect them- Save EVERYTHING you've read here- Watch the skies for their cloaked ships- The EDM frequencies are Krohndahkyr control signals- The mountains hold their ancient secrets- The mines were never meant for coal - they were Krohndahkyr breeding grounds

If this site suddenly disappears, you'll know the Krohndahkyr got to us. But the truth cannot be silenced! Share what you've learned, but BE CAREFUL! Their hybrid agents are everywhere... they're always watching...~ The Galactic Truth Collective
"Because the Krohndahkyr are coming"
This site uses anti-Krohndahkyr quantum encryption. If you experience headaches, ringing in your ears, or sudden memory loss while reading, DISCONNECT IMMEDIATELY - their bio-scanners have found you!

👁 Copyright - The Galactic Files - 2025 👁